September 2023
I am on go 100% of every day for the last 6 work days and all I have to say is I’m EXHAUSTED. I cannot wait for the weekend. One of my colleagues is on vacation and unfortunately one of his big projects got moved up and got placed on my lap and it’s been incredibly stressful because I’m learning the process, updating the process, testing the process with limited knowledge and Band-Aids so there’s that.
On a positive note, I attended our first Transportation Services Advisory committee meeting of the semester today and that’s a committee I really enjoy.
I’ve also started teaching my Hullabaloo U course, which is actually really fun, but requires a lot of mental/emotional prep. I’m also doing more than the bare minimum to reach these freshman students and provide feedback to their assignments. I know I don’t have to do so much, but it’s something I’m passionate about and I want to do it.
My new backpacking backpack came in the mail along with my new sleeping bag and I am SOOOO excited. REI had an awesome Labor day sale and I was finally able to pick up two of the things that have been on my wish list.
I have been training really hard for my hike next month. I’ve been incorporating a lot more cardio on my day-to-day than I was in the past including Stair Master, Cycling, and Rowing. I’m still trying to maintain my lifting days too so I’ve just been pushing hard. I’m starting to get a little more nervous about the hike because I had one person I know reach out and say he’s done it and it was the most strenuous hike he’s ever completed and I’ve been reading a lot of reviews and people are all saying the same thing.
I’m pretty fit, but I do have asthma and bad knees so those are things I’m starting to think about.
Outside of Guadalupe training, I’m starting to plan for the Lone Star Trail hike. That hike is much longer, but a lot less strenuous. It’s mostly flat ground. I’ve started making a list of supplies I’ll need to buy before I go so I can start accumulating them overtime. These things cost money so it’s good to start now. I invited a friend from Nevada to do the Lone Star trail with me because she’s pretty outdoorsy and adventurous and I think it would be nice to bond over that experience.
As I accumulate items I’ll need to carry, I’ll have to start practicing hiking with my pack on because going from no weight to having 30lbs on your back is a huge adjustment, even if you are just hiking flat ground.
I guess I kind of touched on my upcoming travel and goals in the above section, but we’ll also be traveling to Austin this weekend for another of Jay’s softball tournaments.
The weekend after that, my friends that used to live here in town and now live in Louisiana are coming to visit to go to the A&M football game and then hanging out for the weekend and I’m looking forward to seeing them.
The weekend after that Jay had another softball tournament, but that one is here in town.
hopefully I’ll be going camping the last weekend of September. Location still TBD.
9.14.2023 <– a day late, and a dollar short
This week was (thankfully) less stressful than the last 2-3 weeks because my big app launch happened Tuesday without any issues! 🙏 The next one happens tomorrow morning and I’m hoping it also goes well. After that, I can start working on some other projects that have been pushed to the side for weeks and take some time to breathe.
During work I like to take a little walk around the building every couple hours just to get out and stretch my legs and I haven’t done that in weeks so I’m looking forward to getting back to that. It helps me get my steps in, take a mental break, and to get some sun on my skin. 10/10 recommend scheduling in little walks in your day.
My hullabaloo U course is still fun, I’m enjoying it quite a bit actually. I feel like I’m rushed to read through the lesson plans every week and get prepared for class, but I’m doing great keeping up with grading and with my in-class presence.
I finally got my funding request back from the Division and I’m so thankful they approved my request and I can now book my flight to El Paso and register for the TACUPSA conference!
I was recently reached out to by a colleague to attend an additional conference this fall as a new-professional coach and I’m super excited to be applying for that as well. It’s in Normal, Oklahoma so it’s not a new place for me to visit, but the opportunity to coach and mentor new professionals is very exciting to me so I’m looking forward to hear back on whether or not I’ll be selected.
My friends Carly and Tyler are coming to visit this weekend from Louisiana to see the Texas A&M vs. ULM and I’m very excited to see them both. It’s been a long time! They lived here in college station when I met them and then Tyler took a job in Louisiana and I’ve only seen them once since. I love catching up with friends I haven’t seen in awhile.
I have so many plans coming up and it’s a little overwhelming, but in a good way. I have friends staying, softball tournaments for my bf, two weddings, camping and two conferences coming up in the next 2 months alone!
I slacked last week on walking the dogs, but this week I didn’t do too bad. I’d love to walk both dogs twice a week minimum, but I didn’t even get that in this past week. I’ve been working, gym, food, sleep by 9 because I’ve been exhausted. Hopefully we’ll get back on track.
Gym routine is still going strong. I’m getting stronger too which is great to track.
I feel like I’ve done a great job at meal planning lately which is saving us money, but I also feel like I’ve been spending a lot more money than usual. I got some hiking gear, booked a flight, booked a hotel in Austin for softball, registered my car, and I paid to get some teeth filled at the dentist recently. So it’s all adding up quickly.

Jay’s softball tournament in Austin last weekend was pretty fun. It was good to get out of town. I was able to sit in the sun, get a tan, and drink beer throughout the day and I really enjoyed it. Thankfully this tournament started at a reasonable hour and ended the same, unlike a few of the others we’ve been to.
I officially booked a campground at Palmetto State Park the last weekend of September and I cannot wait to get back out there. I’ll test out my new sleeping bag, take my new backpacking backpack and put in a few miles to break it in. I just really need some nature time in my life. It’s been a really hot summer and I haven’t gotten outside nearly as much as I’ve wanted to.
My last camping trip was in February so it’s definitely time for me to go. My park pass will expire in November I think, and I’ll happily be renewing it and continuing making my way through the Texas State Parks.
9.21.2023 <– also a day late, maybe I should change my schedule 😂
Last week I said I had launched one big app and the 2nd one was about to go live and it didn’t go off without a hitch, but it’s okay. I just forgot to change some dates which we found out real quick and got fixed. Now that the two of those have launched and I started diving back into other projects, I feel good. Still a lot less stressed than I had been weeks ago.
I booked everything I needed for my upcoming conference to El Paso, and that is a weight off my shoulders as well. Unfortunately, since it took so long to hear back about the Division grant, the flights got pretty expensive and after booking the airfare, hotel and paying conference registration, I went over budget so I’m still crossing my fingers that we’re all good on that front. I’ll find out soon enough.
My Hullabaloo U course is still going well, I have 2 students I’m concerned about, but otherwise it’s been fun, energizing, and I’m happy I finally said yes to doing it.
I haven’t yet heard back about my SWACUHO-U coaching application, but they’re accepting applications until the 30th so I figure it’ll be awhile.
Carly and Tyler came to visit last weekend and it was so good to see them! I often get nervous about hosting visitors at my house, but it felt very low pressure and they were super easy going as always.
We went out Friday night when they arrived to dinner and a new wine bar we have downtown and really enjoyed that.
Saturday we went to a bar we used to go to together all the time called O’Bannon’s and then we walked over to our first Aggie tailgate of the year and Carly and Tyler got to go to the game. 🏈 I was glad Jay’s friends Colin, Lexy, Nate and Jazz could also join us at the tailgate to make it a whole event.
I hope they can come visit again soon or vice versa! Maybe we’ll remember to get photos next time.
This week I officially booked our tickets to go to the Lions game when we get home in October and that’s a big weight off my shoulders too because we waited too long and prices kept rising and I was just stalling and stressing. Now that they’re secured, and my friends from back home are coming with us, I’ve moved from stress to excitement. 🦁
I’ve been doing well sticking to walking to the dogs lately. The weather has been great so that helps! It’s been around 75-80 degrees at 6:30am so it’s really nice. Boone is still REALLY hard to walk because he pulls and I don’t have control and it stresses me a lot, so we’re working on it. I don’t want to have to pay to train him, but if it doesn’t get better, Jay and I talked about paying to take him to official training.

I’ve also been doing pretty well sticking to my fitness goals. I feel a lot better about my body than I did 2 months ago and that’s all that matters. I have less than 30 days until my hike so I need to stick with it.
Travel Plans:
This weekend Jay has another softball tournament, but thankfully this one is here in town so we don’t have to drive or pay for a hotel.
Next weekend is my camping trip (finally!). I am so excited to get back out there. The weather is supposed to be perfect for camping and hiking too, so that’s a win!
The weekend after that we’re flying back to the mitten for Seth and Shana’s wedding.
The weekend after that we have another wedding on Saturday and then I’m flying to El Paso on Sunday for the conference and to finally do the hike I’ve been training for!

I have a lot more plans in the works, but that’s the next 4 weekends so that’s enough in advance for now.
Nothing really new to report. This past week I’ve been working on projects, low stress, and making it through each day.
I got everything booked for my trip to El Paso, both the work and the personal travel pieces.
I still haven’t heard back from SWACUHO-U yet, but I know they met this week so hopefully soon.
Personal/Goals/Travel all in one this week:
Everything is coming up and I’m so excited, but I can feel the added pressure in my chest of having almost too many plans. It’s excitement for weddings, camping, hiking, crossing things off my bucket list, and so much more.
This weekend I’m heading out camping for the first time this fall and I could not be more excited. I’ve thought to myself “I’m going camping this weekend!!!!” at least 20 times a day, not even exaggerating. It’s all I can think about. 🏕️ I’m testing out my new NEMO Disco 30 sleeping bag and I am really pumped about it. I’ve wanted this sleeping bag for years, but it’s pricey so I just haven’t invested, but now I have and I can’t wait to try it out.
I’m also testing out my new backpacking bag this weekend, so fingers crossed that all goes well. I don’t need it for any upcoming trips, but I will be hiking the Lone Star Trail (about 100 miles through hiking) in the spring so I want to test it out a few times before that obviously.
If you’ve been keeping up with my journal entries, you also know my big Texas bucket list hike is coming up in a little over 20 days soooooo that’s amazing. I’m continuing to train, getting that cardio in AND I also purchased hiking poles to try to protect my knees on the hike. I’ve never really been a pole user, but this trail is pretty steep and I get runners knee pretty good so I want to do everything I can to protect them on the way up and down. ⛰️
I’ll review all my new gear once I’ve tried it out and add them to my amazon lists if I recommend them. Look for posts on that soon!
That’s all for now folks….

Katelynn is a Texas-based writer and travel enthusiast who makes the most of her time exploring new destinations while balancing a full-time 9-5 job. She has visited 12 countries and 27 U.S. states. She describes herself as a weekend warrior and shares her passion for travel, outdoor adventures, and solo journeys on her blog, KatelynnOutLoud.