October Book of the Month – ‘Verity’ by Colleen Hoover
Let me start off by saying I RARELY keep up with popular media. I’m never the first to watch the show that is going viral or to read the book that is topping the charts.
That being said, the division I work for has recently started a staff book club. They email out the book they are planning on reading and any staff member can sign up to get the e-book for free. The only requirement to continue to get free books is to read the book that was purchased for you, and show up to the book club discussion about the book about 2 months later.
Their email last month said the next book for the book club was going to be ‘Verity‘ by Colleen Hoover.
As soon as they send out the book they’re wanting to read next, I immediately go to Goodreads and look the book up. I read the preview, and see if any of my friends have read the book and rated it. In doing my research on this book, I realized it’s currently a number one seller and on everyone’s To-Read list!
I immediately opted in.
Don’t take my word for it! Read 1000’s of reviews anywhere the book is sold!

Among the 749,000+ other readers who rated this book 5 stars, were these comments from other readers:
“How did Colleen Hoover ever think up this dark and twisted tale? It is so unique, so completely shocking that it blows away every other suspense story I’ve ever read.” – Yun
“This one is a killer! So dark and disturbing. I was not expecting to love this one so much. Colleen Hoover writes romance books. This one is a thriller. I have seen authors go from romance to romantic suspense, but never have I seen an author go from Romance to a dark and disturbing crazy thriller. She knocked this one out of the ball park.” – Mary Beth
“The hype is real! I repeat, the hype is REAL!” – Brittany
We had 2 full months to read it, and I was worried that wasn’t enough time because I am not a fast reader, nor do I have as much time to read as I’d like. However, I finished the book in just two weeks. Honestly, you can probably finish it in a weekend, but I was not fortune enough to be able to just sit and read it through.
First, I want to note that this was also the first E-book I’ve read and I did NOT think I’d like the experience at all. I work on computers all day and I’m always in front of a screen. I didn’t like the idea of spending even more time in front of a screen when I get home.
Also, I don’t have a kindle, or Ipad, so I was going to have to read it on my cell phone which I thought would just be too small. None-the-less, the book was so enthralling I wasn’t bothered by any of that at all. I happily rode my cycle each night while reading it on my phone.

My review with no spoilers:
Verity is a book about a struggling (both financially and in general life as well) author who gets an opportunity to ghost write for another author that is VERY well known but recently suffered the loss of her children and was injured in a car accident.
While exploring the previous writings of the famous author to try to get perspective, she uncovers a biography that not only spooks her to her core, but changes her outlook on everything going on around her.
Two phrases I’d use to describe my experience reading this book are “edge of my seat thriller” and “emotional roller coaster”. I connected with each of the characters and it was so well written I felt what they were feeling, and the intenseness of the writing was not lost.
I was/am a bit shocked my university book club chose this as their book of the month due to the amount of sexually explicit material, but I’m so glad they did. Before reading the book I thought it was teen-lit, but even as a very liberal and open-minded individual, I’d be a little cautious of my teen reading that level of sexual detail.

Colleen Hoover is an American writer whose writing has varied so much she just can’t be put into any one genre. However, she has mostly written contemporary romance up until Verity. This is her first thriller and she swung it out the park with this one. You’d think she’s been writing thriller novels her whole career.
I loved it and highly recommend this read to all my friends!
Click page 2 to read my review with spoilers!

Katelynn is a Texas-based writer and travel enthusiast who makes the most of her time exploring new destinations while balancing a full-time 9-5 job. She has visited 12 countries and 27 U.S. states. She describes herself as a weekend warrior and shares her passion for travel, outdoor adventures, and solo journeys on her blog, KatelynnOutLoud.