Health & Wellness, Lifestyle

Dream, Plan, Achieve: My Personal Goals for a Remarkable 2024 [Concluded]

My blog is divided into three main categories, health and wellness, lifestyle, and travel. These three categories are not only my blog focus, but my personal goals for 2024. I’m not much of a New Year Resolution-er, but I am a true Sagittarius. A constant goal-setter and to-do list creator. Here is a list of some of the personal goals I’ve set for 2024.

Feel free to email me and check in on where I’m at with these goals throughout the year and hold me accountable. I set them for a reason!

Health & Wellness:

Gym Visits/Workouts – 300

Anything counts. Outdoor walks/runs, at-home workouts with FitOn, or actual workouts at the gym. You know I’ll keep promoting my favorite apps and supplements while I make progress toward this goal, so look forward to more inspiration coming your way in 2024.

Chiropractor Visits – 3

Going to the chiropractor isn’t the cheapest expense for me, even with health insurance. Despite the cost, I find that visiting now and again helps me keep my body aligned. I always regret not making an appointment sooner when I hurt myself and end up there.

Dentist Visits – 2

I’m one of those people who loves going to the dentist and I do not skip any cleanings. I leave feeling fresh and happy to be taking care of my oral health.

Personal Goals for 2024 include maintaining healthy habits for the mind, body and soul.
Image by Cottonbro Studio via Pexels


Books to Read – 20

Each year I set a reading goal on Goodreads and try my hardest to stick to it. I know I’ll be starting this year off in school so I’ll have less time for “fun” reading, but I still think I can manage.

Minutes Spent Learning with Duolingo – 2000 minutes

Duolingo results from 2023:

  • 1808 minutes learning
  • longest streak 191 days

Duolingo sends you your “end of the year review” in November, so it doesn’t include December.

Money Goals – 3/3 goals

I have a few different money-related goals this year:

  1. Pay off the truck loan. Long story short – I pulled out a loan years ago for my ex-boyfriend to purchase a truck. The agreement was that he’d pay me back. We broke up, and he never made another payment. Since I got the loan, gave him the money, and he got the truck… the title and everything is in his name and I wasn’t able to get the truck back or sue for any of the money. I accepted a long time ago that I was going to have to pay back this entire loan and I’d never see another penny from him. That being said, paying off this loan is so much more than having one less payment, it’s about finally being rid of an abusive relationship that is still haunting me years after it’s ended. ✔️
  2. Pay off the loan from my mom. My mom loaned me money to make some immediate home improvements when I purchased my house and I’m still paying her back. – on track by end of year! ✔️
  3. Start a Roth IRA savings account. I know I’m 30+, I should have started this a long time ago, but you can’t save money you don’t have and I just haven’t had it. I’m hoping after paying off those two loans, I can start putting away money toward an IRA account. ✔️

Volunteer – 15 hours

I grew up volunteering and I find it to be incredibly impactful for communities so I want to prioritize giving back in any way I can. In college, I spent a lot of time volunteering and I’ve realized I volunteer less and less each year. That being said, my community still has a large need for volunteers and I’d like to be one of them.

Personal Goals for 2024 include spending time learning, reading, volunteering, and budgeting.
Image by Tirachard Kumtanom via Pexels


Texas State Parks – 10

I visited 10 Texas State Parks last year and I think I can do it again this year. The challenge with this is the parks are getting farther and farther away and I don’t have unlimited vacation time to spend. Nonetheless, I am hoping to keep that pace.

States – 2

Every year my goal is to visit at least 2 more states until I manage to have visited them all. Right now I’ve managed to have visited 27 states.

NFL Stadiums – 1

I decided a few years back that I wanted to visit all the NFL stadiums in the U.S. and I’m working my way toward that goal one stadium at a time.

Personal Goals for 2024 include traveling more.
Image by Element5 Digital via Pexels

Blog Focus:

As of today, at the beginning of January 2024, I’ve made $0.00 blogging and spent over $100 to secure my website domain name and hosting. I’m happy to continue blogging. I enjoy it and I’m learning every single day, but I’d love to get to a point where I’m more consistent and potentially make money off the blog too.

Here are a few blog-related goals:

Write 3 blog posts a month

I’d like to write one post for each category of my niche including Travel, Wellness, and Lifestyle. I will continue to write my weekly journal entries and book reviews, but those will not count toward my three monthly posts.

Increase my monthly visitors by 50%

From 435 in Dec. 2023 to 652 in Dec. 2024.

Increase my Instagram following by 50%

From 182 in Dec. 2023 to 273 in Dec. 2024. ✔️

Scroll to the bottom of my blog to see my latest Instagram posts or visit @KatelynnOutLoud on Instagram!

Increase my Pinterest following by 175% ✔️

From 18 in Dec. 2023 to 50 in Dec. 2024.

Click below to visit my Pinterest page!

Redo my About Me Page

My About Me page is not only to share a little more of my story but to prove to readers that I’m a reputable source of information. I have the whole concept created in my mind of how I want it to look and how I’m going to share my story.

The next step is just putting it into action and actually CREATING the page. Unfortunately, I think I’m going to first have to choose a new blog theme, which is proving to be much more time-consuming and tedious than I thought it would be.

Nonetheless, I’m going to get it done one way or another in 2024.

Personal Goals for 2024 include dedicating myself to this blog and upping my stats across the board on engagement.
Image by Lukas via Pexels

Personal Goals for 2024 Summarized:

Focus on things that matter most to me at this point in my life. Staying healthy and maintaining a good diet and exercise routine. I am smart with my money so I can ensure my future is safe if something were to happen when I retire. Being smart with my money ties into the last goal, which is to travel as much as I possibly can and share it with you all here on this blog.