
Two Fitness Apps That Have Made Working Out Easier

I’ve always been very active, maintaining a 4-5 day a week gym routine in addition to yoga and meditation practices. However, when the seasons change and it gets colder outside, I still struggle with getting out of my comfy sweats and fuzzy socks to get a workout in. Thankfully, I’ve downloaded these two fitness apps to help motivate me and keep me on track.

First Fitness App – Fitbod.

Fitbod Fitness App

This app is mainly focused on weight lifting, but has cardio and stretching integrated too. I put it first on the list because it is my #1 fitness app and I love it.

I subscribed to Fitbod back in 2019 and have renewed my subscription every year since.

One thing I love about this app vs. other apps is that you can see your progress records over time in multiple different visual formats. It also allows you to track your muscle fatigue/soreness and create your next workout using only your recovered muscles. This allows you to get full body workouts and ensure you have planned muscle recovery.

Fitbod Fitness App
FitBod logo and Branding

👍 Things I like about the app:

  • AI technology accurately provides me with weight and repetition suggestions for maintenance or growth.
  • Has gym and no equipment options for those days I cant get to the gym and want to workout at home.
  • Each workout is demonstrated in the app so I can perfect my form and ensure I’m not injuring myself.
  • Grandfathered my subscription cost so I continue to pay the original subscription cost no matter how much the price goes up.
  • You can add on warm up and cool down exercises to your workout plan to ensure you’re stretching and prepping your muscles in the best way possible.

👎 Things I don’t like:

  • The cost of the annual subscription has doubled since 2019 and continues to go up every year.
  • There are still quite a few gym machines missing from the list so I can’t always log my exact workout.

Fitlab created the below youtube video that gives a great demonstration of the app.

Youtube Fitbod Review by FitLab

*I am not affiliated with Fitlab in any way, just found this video to be helpful/informative. For accurate pricing please visit Fitbod’s Membership page.

Fitbod also runs their own blog to share nutrition, fitness, and motivation with their subscribers. This can often be helpful when deciding what program is for you and whether or not you need to adjust your diet to meet your desired outcomes.

You can test the app out for 6 free workouts by using my code here. I’ve completed over 850 workouts as of December 2023! 💪🏋️‍♀️

Second Fitness App – FitOn.

Fiton Fitness App
Apple App Store Screenshot

When the gym closed during COVID, I had to start doing at-home workouts because no workouts as not an option.

I’ve never really been a fan of at home workouts for a number of reasons. One, my dogs are ALWAYS in the way and putting them in another room is apparently torture so that’s not an option. Two, I just don’t go as hard or push myself as much as I do when I’m at the gym.

I didn’t have any home gym equipment at the beginning of COVID so I had to focus on a lot of body weight workouts. I landed on the FitOn App after some research because it was really all-encompassing for at home workouts.

FitOn Fitness App Logo
FitOn Logo and Branding

The app covers all areas of wellness that my typical gym sessions do not including meditation, yoga, stretching, and guided HIIT workouts.

👍 Things I like about the app:

  • It covers area of wellness that my typical routine does not.
  • The guided mediations are incredible.
  • There are monthly and program specific challenges that help me stay on track and motivated.
  • There are a lot of instructors so if you don’t like one, it’s easy to switch to a different one and find someone you really like.
  • The app provides meal options and recipes for a well-balanced diet and most of them are really good.

👎 Things I don’t like:

  • I have a lot of issues with wifi connection and this app. It takes a lot of power to stream the workouts and if I’m not home, I can’t always connect.
  • You can’t connect it with another app. For example if I’m doing a 4 workouts a week challenge, I have to do 4 FitOn workouts for it to count. I cannot input a class I attended or another workout session.

FitOn has their own Youtube Channel if you want to take a look at what you’re getting into before paying for the actual subscription. There are quite a few workout videos on their channel that you can participate in on your own time for free.

FitOn’s Youtube Channel Intro Video

Fitbod has a newsletter you can sign up for if you subscribe. They’ll send you your workout summaries, accomplishments, new class announcements, and some of the best recipes I’ve ever tried.

FitOn does have a free app option you can download here if you want to try it out. I pay for the FitOn Pro subscription, which allows me to play my own music during the workouts, cast the workouts to my TV and download classes for offline use.

I don’t think the Pro subscription is needed at all for you to fully enjoy this app, but if you’re interested in the upgrade it’s about $35 (USD) annually (as of Dec. 2023).

I’ve had the app since April 2022 and I’ve completed over 150 workouts! 💪🏋️‍♀️

Combining These Two Fitness Apps Has Been Ideal

As someone who doesn’t typically struggle getting to the gym, it can become mundane doing the same things day in and day out. That’s why I’ve done some research and landed on these two fitness apps to help me stay motivated and focus on my wholistic wellness.

I chose these two apps all on my own. I hadn’t ever heard of them before I chose them. No one suggested them to me. I just found them by chance and am very happy that I did.

The Two Fitness Apps Are Really a Dynamic Duo

FitBod – helps me stay focused on building muscle, staying lean, and utilizing only recharged muscles.

FitOn – helps me stay focused by doing yoga and meditation, but also helps with stretching and flexibility which is needed for cardio and weight lifting.

These two fitness apps are great for men or women and can easily be utilized on Iphone or Andriod devices. If you’re an apple watch user, both apps are also available on apple watch!

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