Personal Journal

Personal Journal – December 2023

Personal December 2023 Journal – a month of gift giving, visiting with family and friends, holiday lights, and eventually…rest!

December 13th 2023


Things are going.

I finished teaching my Hullabaloo U course and I’m happy I did it. There was a lot of planning, preparation and grading that I wasn’t entirely prepared for, but I did the damn thing! I’d probably sign up to do it again in the future if I have the opportunity because I’ve already re-created all the presentations to be my style so it will be less work next time around.

I have three main tasks in my queue at work right now and they are keeping me pretty busy.

  • Get our Contract Renewal Application updated, tested and ready for Go Live in January
  • Work on PayBill/Gardens Guests application process
  • Update all applications with new rules regarding our ETAM admitted students
  • Bonus, work on an error that’s been occurring with an app I’ve already got live 🤦

Other than that, things are chugging along and I’m awaiting the holiday break earnestly.



Jay and I have been having our date nights once a month for awhile now and I really appreciate it. It’s allowing us time to connect without having to worry about work, taking care of anyone (or the 🐶🐶). We’re able to spend honest time sharing feelings and appreciation with one another and I find that valuable.

Last week was my birthday and Jay absolutely spoiled me. He took me Pluckers for lunch on Friday and then on a shopping spree at the mall (where I discovered one of my favorite stores now has spot in!). Then on Saturday, my actual birthday, we had brunch with friends and then went over to another friends for some day drinking and a good time.

Additional to being spoiled on my birthday, I was spoiled for the holidays too. We decided to open our holiday gifts already, because WHY NOT?! The holidays for me aren’t religious focused and if all the gifts are here, why make him wait to open them when it’s just the two of us anyway?!

🎁🎁 I got some new workout gear, a new sun shirt for hiking, kitchen gadgets (including a compost bin, a frother, and travel containers for parties), the Lone Star hiking trail guidebook, a new laptop stand, and more.

He of course also bought toys for the dogs, which is one of the many reasons I love him. 🥰

I bought him a robe, slippers, a washers set for outdoor entertainment, new beats headphones, a cornhole set, some Darn Tough socks (which I RAVE about constantly) and more.

We were both really happy with our gifts and it was a great time.

The Dogs:

I feel bad the dogs have been cooped up in the house for a month now while we’re working on the backyard. I’ve only been taking them out to use the restroom on a leash so they haven’t gotten their exercise in at all and they need it.

None-the-less, they’re great and enjoying their holiday gifts.

Book Club/Reading:

PEOPLE. I did not finish ONE SINGLE book in November because I was reading this book the whole month.

And guess what…

Book cover of 7 1/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle. All black background with red diamonds and chess pieces in the corners. Gold text for book title.
Current Book : 71/2 Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle

I’m STILL reading this book.

I don’t know why I’m like this. I just need to give up and move on but I’m committed and I can’t stop so I’m suffering through.

I’ve come to realize though, that it may just be me that isn’t able to keep the story and the characters straight because the book club really liked this one.

I’m 85% done and I hope to finish it this weekend because I NEED to move on.

Also in books, I posted a book exchange on my social media (as I do annually) and I sent a book to a stranger. Last year I received a book with a handmade bookmark in it and I just thought that was adorable to I took that idea and made one for the person I sent a book to this year.

Handmade bookmark for the book exchange this year.

Hopefully I receive a book this year, fingers crossed. 🤞

Business Analysis Certification Progress:

👎 Still at literally 0% progress. This is becoming a bit terrifying. During the winter break I’ll be creating a schedule for myself and getting at it because I only have a few months to complete a YEAR LONG program. Life’s about to get crazy.


No travel plans as of right now. I’d love to go camping again soon, but life has a lot going on so I’m pretty much staying put.

That being said, my supervisor gifted me with an REI gift card for the holidays and I finally pulled the trigger on purchasing my backpacking tent! I can’t wait for it to arrive so I can test it out. We’re on step closer to hiking the Lone Star Trail now! 🥾

Other News 📰

I finally got to meet my best friends son Zion! He was born over a month ago and I’ve been too busy to make time to go see him so I’m really glad I was finally able to do so.

We went to the Christmas in the Park event and they all wore family pajamas and it was adorable.

I’ve been able to reconnect with both of them after being super busy for months so it was great to hit downtown Bryan for drinks on a First Friday event, the Christmas in the park and brunch for my birthday all in a 2 week span. !

December 20th 2023


The week before a holiday is one of my favorite times to be in the office because the students are all gone, a lot of staff members are gone and the office is always so quiet and peaceful.

I’ve had a lot on my plate lately at work but I feel like I’m doing okay. I’m not overly stressed or feeling behind on anything so that’s a big plus.

I’m still working on the same tasks as last week with all the other interrupts that are pouring in.


Jay and I will be having a late anniversary this month because our anniversary will land on Christmas and we’ll have the whole family here so that won’t work, but he’s promised to still do something the next week while we’re both off work. I’m looking forward to spending quality time with him.

We’ve worked our butts off and finished pouring the cement for the patio! We’ve got all the furniture built and the firepit too! It’s supposed to rain all weekend so we’ll get out there and enjoy it all next week hopefully while we’re off work.

Backyard Patio Cement is officially poured

Jay is loving it already and it’s not even complete so that makes me happy. We still need to buy some string lights, a sun umbrella, and covers for the patio furniture and firepit.

Eventually in the Spring we’ll also have to fix the yard because it is ALL dirt right now, which is creating a terribly mess for the dogs.

Next week we’ll be hosting Jay’s family for Christmas and potentially friends so that should be fun.

🐕🐕 The Dogs 🐕🐕:

The doggos have been super happy to have the backyard operational again so they can run around and play. They’ve been cooped up in the house for the last month while we’ve been working on it so they’re super excited.

We’re testing Boone once again. I bought him ANOTHER dog bed for his kennel and we’re hoping and praying he doesn’t chew this one up in just a couple weeks. I’ve been feeling bad that he’s been sitting on the cold, hard plastic while I’m at work lately so I caved.

Future plans for the dogs:

  1. Get Bentley microchipped. It’s only like $20 at the local shelter, I’ve just never made time to go do it. He’s never once ran away from home (mostly because he’s scared of the world) but now that Boone is out there I’ve seen him get a little more adventurous so I want to be safe.
  2. I also need to get them both collars with our information in case they get out of the yard at some point. With Boone looking as scary as he does (although he’s a big baby), I don’t want to chance someone thinking he’s a stray and harm him.

📖 Book Club/Reading 📖:

I haven’t started a new book since last week. I think that one really took a toll on me and I’ll be taking a break from reading for a little bit. I also really need to start working on my coursework sooo I’ll have my nose stuffed in that book for awhile.

Book club at work will reconvene in February.

✈️ Travel ✈️:

I talked to mom about when she’ll come visit next and we’re looking at end of January or early February! I’m pretty excited to have her come visit again. We’ll probably just stay home this visit, but none the less, it’s always great to have her around for awhile.

I’m hoping in February to complete the Long Star Trail hike (maybe late February or early March). I still have a few things to buy, but I recently purchased my first backpacking tent and Jay bought me a camp stove. Two steps closer to having everything I need!

REI Half Dome Tent

I’m hoping to go camping sometime during the holiday break next week so I can test it out! I haven’t chosen a state park to go to just yet, but I’m thinking it’ll be Purtis Creek. Where I go will 100% be based off distance and last minute availability. ⛺

In March Jay and I are going on our cruise and I’ve been doing some research on the cruise ship and ports we’ll be stopping in to see if we’ll want to partake in any excursions. I’m thinking we’ll need to in order to keep Jay occupied but I know I’ll love them too.

I found a water park with ziplines at our first stop that may be cool so we’re considering that.

I also think I’ve convinced him to try parasailing…so we’ll see how that turns out (:





Until Next Week!

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