
How to Improve Your Geography Knowledge with a Fun Online Quiz

As an American, I do not feel as though the American education system did me justice when it comes to being a scholar of geography and knowing the countries of the world.

I remember learning the U.S. states and capitals and the continents while in school, but I don’t actually have any recollection of learning the other countries of the world.

Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko

After high school, I was fortunate enough to move to Denmark where I really started to notice that I didn’t know much about the world at all. My desire to travel and see more of the world exploded in my time over seas and I started investing in my education. I started learning the countries of the world in addition to relearning the 50 states and major cities across the world.

Now when my favorite travel youtubers mention they’re in Sri Lanka, Italy, Madagascar, etc., I can mentally imagine where they are on a map while I follow their journeys!

Test Your Geography Skills with the Countries of the World Quiz

One of the more fun ways I practice throughout the year is by using a quiz on called Countries of the World Quiz created by QuizMaster.

I discovered this quiz back in 2020 while looking online for ways to test and improve my knowledge. I really liked it so I bookmarked it and I randomly access it a few times throughout the year to ensure I’m not digressing.

It’s a great refresher and the 15 minute timer makes it more fun as you’re racing the clock to pull names out of the back of your mind!

As shown in the image above, you can see the map change colors as you identify the different countries. If you’re a visual person and may remember countries based off their actual location on the map, this is really helpful.

Below the map is a blank document with columns for each continent and as you identify the countries, they will populate on this chart in green as well. They are in alphabetical order so if you ever learned any acronyms, songs, etc., it may help you figure out where you’re missing countries.

Once the 15:00 minutes have passed, the map and the graph will populate all the ones you did not name in red.

I take some time to read through each column after I’ve completed the quiz so I can read and hopefully remember all the ones I named in addition to some new ones the next time I take the quiz.

I’ve found that without practice, it’s very easy to forget what I’ve learned and digress in my geographical knowledge so every now and then I quiz myself by trying to fill out a printed United States map or online map of the world.

Want to test your geography skills?

Take the Countries of the World Quiz Now