Health & Wellness, Lifestyle

10 Ways to Make the Most of Thanksgiving Solo

Thanksgiving break is usually fairly short so I find it’s one of the easier holidays to spend solo if you’re a person who gets lonely quickly. Here’s a list of 10 things you could do this Thanksgiving to entertain yourself, distract yourself, and appreciate your solo time.

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1. Call/Write a Letter

Although many people have plans for the holidays, it’s also a time a lot of people have off work, which means a quick check in phone call would mean a lot. If you’re not a phone call kind of person, you could take some time to write out a handwritten letter and put it in the mail. I don’t know about you, but I always love a good snail mail surprise!

Writing intentional, meaningful letters is a great solo Thanksgiving activity.

Image by: cottonbro studio

2. Get Out and Volunteer

November is a busy time for local shelters and food banks and volunteers are always needed to assist. If you have the time, why not use it to do some good and give to those in need? Volunteering isn’t just good for those you’re serving, but it has many personal rewards as well. I wrote a whole blog post about the Benefits of Volunteering if you’re interested in reading further.

3. Binge Watch a Show or Christmas Movies

There are so many shows and movies I’ve added to my Netflix queue over the course of the last year that I just haven’t had the time to catch up on or watch. Thanksgiving break is the perfect time to solo-snuggle, grab my favorite snacks, and watch whatever I may find interesting.

Roommates may be gone which means you can literally watch anything you desire without having to get approval, buy in or spend time finding something that works for everyone.

If you’re a Christmas/holiday person, this is about the time of the year Hulu, Netflix, Peacock and all the other streaming services usually drop their holiday movies too!

Photo by Taryn Elliott

4. Declutter a Space

Have you ever decided to clean something and made a bigger mess doing so? This is the perfect time for that kind of cleaning! Choose one space at a time so not to overwhelm yourself.

Choose the pantry, a coat closet, your desk, etc. and go for it. Take all the things out, keep what you need and get rid of the stuff you don’t need. Clean off the shelves, drawers, and surfaces to freshen up. When you’re putting things back that you’ve decided to keep, organize them in a way that’s useful.

If you find you need some organization help, Amazon has a great selection of organizers and storage!

5. Read

There is no better time than the holidays to grab a good book from the library, purchase a kindle book during Black Friday sales, OR just grab one off your shelf that’s been sitting for a long time. Curl up on the couch and read until it’s naptime!

Photo by Book Hut

6. Spend Time on Self-Care

A lot of great self-care practices are elevated by having a peaceful, quiet space, so what better time to do it than when you’re alone for the holidays? Some things you can do while at home to focus on your self-care include (but are absolutely not limited to):

  • Do a face mask
  • Do your nails
  • Try yoga or meditating
  • Try journaling
  • Take a walk outside for fresh air

And if you’re lucky and have salons open in your area during the holidays, take advantage of the time and get a massage, a facial, or spend a day at the spa!

7. Try a New Recipe

Cooking is much more enjoyable when you have time to actually do it and you’re not rushing to get it on the table in time to get the kids to bed or get off to your next engagement. I don’t love to cook, but I do enjoy trying out new recipes from time to time.

Pintrest is my go-to for new recipes! Typically I’ll type in a protein that I have (chicken, beef, shrimp, etc.) and just see what it gives me and go from there. If you’re more of a desserts kind of person, there are hundreds (if not millions) of dessert recipes on Pintrest for you to check out too.

I just started my food focused Pintrest board, but if you want to follow along, feel free to do so and see what I’m cooking up in the future!

I don’t know about you all, but around Thanksgiving and Christmas, my mom used to kick us all out of the kitchen while she was cooking because 1) our kitchen wasn’t really big enough for us all and 2) she preferred cooking solo because she’d just get into the zone and us continually talking would mess that up.

8. Deep Clean a Neglected Space

This may be the least fun and relaxing thing on my list, but it’s necessary! Deep cleaning things like the fridge, the washer and dryer, and behind and around the stove are not things we typically love to do, but it’s necessary at least once a year. Why not work on it now when you have no social obligations and some free time to be productive? Change out those air filters, move the couch and other living room furniture, get behind the toilet.. all areas that may not be cleaned as often as others.

9. Walk or Drive Around to Look for Holiday Lights

If you live in a neighborhood that gets festive during this time of the year, and you enjoy looking at all the Christmas lights, take a night stroll to soak it all in.

If you don’t live in a neighborhood that decorates, find one that does or head to a local street that is decorated and just take a walk and enjoy all the beautiful lights and décor put out around this time of the year.

I love seeing the city light up for the holidays!

10. Exercise Your Brain: Set SMART Goals for Next Year

Setting goals is super important to being the best self you can be throughout the year. People who don’t have goals tend to get stagnant, lack motivation, and fail to feel joy in their everyday accomplishments. Setting SMART goals is especially important to your success because having a plan of action allows you time to follow up, readjust, and self-reflect along the way.

SMART is an acronym for goal setting and it stands for: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-Bound.

If your goals are lacking any of those elements, there’s a good chance you won’t complete your goals.

Each year, I set 3 professional goals and 5 personal goals (because I work to live, not the other way around) and I not only write them down, but I write the goals out in long-form SMART sentences. This helps me spend time thinking about how I’m actually going to accomplish the goal I’m setting out to do and sometimes achieving my goals requires research and learning aspects so a series of mini-goals if you will to get to the finish line.

Photo by The Sunday Collection

I write my personal goals out on a white board in my office for everyone to see. This often sparks conversation and team building as well as allows my coworkers and colleagues a chance to hold me accountable and encourage me to complete my goals.

I do the same thing at home. I write my professional goals out and post them on the fridge so I’m reminded often what I want to accomplish at work this year to continue to expand my skillset and make me the most valuable employee I can be.

Spending the holidays alone doesn’t have to be a somber experience. Embrace the opportunity for self-love and rejuvenation. From indulging in self-care routines to exploring new hobbies, the solo holiday season can be a time of personal growth. As you navigate the holidays solo, prioritize self-love, wholistic wellness, and the general happiness!

Photo by Sebastian Voortman

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